Previous models Amarok
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Previous models to model year 2021
Here you will can all the documentation for converters to produce bodies and conversions for earlier models of the Amarok.
Here, you can find technical guidelines for converters for designing and installing add-ons and conversions for the Volkswagen Amarok up to model year 2016. The converter guidelines shall be strictly adhered to when performing any modifications to the vehicle.
Notes on the download: The data are available in the PDF format and are saved directly to your computer when you click the link found below. You require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the documents.
- English: Converter guidelines: Amarok (14,9 MB, PDF)
- French: Directives Superstructure Amarok (15,85 MB, PDF)
- Italian: Direttive sugli allestimenti Amarok (15,01 MB, PDF)
- Polish: Wytycznych zabudowy Amarok (14,9 MB, PDF)
- Russian: Директивы по сборке Amarok (16,7 MB, PDF)
- Spanish: Directrices para estructuras carroceras (15,73 MB, PDF)
You can find templates for vehicle foil application for the Volkswagen Amarok (up to model year 2016) here. These templates will help you to create perfectly fitting illustrations and foil for application for Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, such as fire brigade, industry and company vehicles.
Notes on the download: All foil templates for the Volkswagen Amarok are available in the DXF, PDF, EPS and TIF formats. When you click on the links found below, the respective file is saved and opened directly on your computer. You may require the corresponding software to view the documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF), AutoCAD (DXF) or EPS-Viewer (EPS).
Amarok DoubleCab (all views)
Amarok DoubleCab (10,6 MB, DXF)
Amarok DoubleCab (2,8 MB, TIF)
Amarok DoubleCab (1,6 MB, EPS)
Amarok DoubleCab (96 KB, PDF)
Amarok DoubleCab chassis (all views)
Amarok DoubleCab chassis (18,8 MB, DXF)
Amarok DoubleCab chassis (13,1 MB, TIF)
Amarok DoubleCab chassis (1,1 MB, PDF)
Amarok SingleCab (all views)
Amarok SingleCab (10,2 MB, DXF)
Amarok SingleCab (2,8 MB, TIF)
Amarok SingleCab (1,6 MB, EPS)
Amarok SingleCab (97 KB, PDF)
You can find technical data for converters for designing add-ons and conversions for the Volkswagen Amarok up to model year 2021 here. Along with general information on the Amarok, the following PDF also includes information about:
- Technical data for planning the conversions,
- Modifications to the Amarok Single Cab,
- Modifications to the Amarok Double Cab,
- Changes to the interior,
- Diverse options for changing the cargo floor (platform) as well as
- Technical data for the engine.
Please use the converter guidelines for the Volkswagen Amarok in the event of add-ons and conversions. They must be observed in the event of vehicle conversions.
Note on the download: The data is available for download in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view the documents.
- English: Converter guidelines Amarok (5,4 MB, PDF)
- French: Directives Superstructure Amarok (5,6 MB, PDF)
- Italian: Direttive sugli allestimenti della Amarok (5,5 MB, PDF)
- Polish: Wytyczne zabudowy Amarok (5,6 MB, PDF)
- Russian: Директивы по сборке Amarok (5,6 МБ, PDF)
- Spanish: Directrices para el Amarok (5,6 MB, PDF)
You can find the technical drawing for the Volkswagen Amarok up to model year 2021 here. This technical documentation informs you about the exact dimensions of the Amarok. The detailed drawing provides the basis for a professional conversion and assembly on the Amarok.
Notes on the download: The technical drawings are available for download in DXF, PDF and TIF formats. You may require the corresponding software to view the documents, such as (PDF) or (DXF).
Amarok SingleCab
Amarok SingleCab (10,41 MB, DXF)
Amarok SingleCab (3,25 MB, PDF)
Amarok SingleCab (438 KB, TiF)
Amarok DoubleCab
Amarok DoubleCab (17,5 MB, DXF)
Amarok DoubleCab (5,94 MB, PDF)
Amarok DoubleCab (779 KB, TiF)
Here you will find foil templates for the Volkswagen Amarok up to model year 2021. This allows you to create tailor-made illustrations and foils, for example for police vehicles, fire engines, refrigerated vehicles, company or workshop vehicles and so on.
Note on the download: The foil templates are available for download in DXF, EPS, PDF and TIF formats. You may require the corresponding software to view the documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) or AutoCAD (DXF).
Amarok DoubleCab (all views)
Amarok DoubleCab (2,64 MB, DXF)
Amarok DoubleCab (3,48 MB, EPS)
Amarok DoubleCab (0,97 MB, PDF)
Amarok DoubleCab (37 KB, TIF)